Saturday, October 11, 2014



I took some of my grandchildren to the pumpkin patch yesterday. So this week I have spent time with all but one grandchild...another one is so small he really doesn't know I am around...I watched one work through the steps of a line dance...the others run through mazes, shoot squash with an air cannon, pet animals, play farm miniature golf, eat Chinese food, wander through pumpkins of all where thoroughly tired and ready for the end of the day...they are growing and changing so fast...time marches on for another generation...

When I was a child, my mother spent many days building pumpkin that I could wear....a frame made of wire, covered with orange crepe paper. I I looked out a small hole in the front.  This was to be my Halloween costume. It even had a  poem attached about "Peter, Peter pumpkin eater..."  Alas, the night I was to wear this creation, I was sick with the yearly fall cold and all the work was for naught, except a picture taking time....

 Pumpkins come in all sizes, shapes  and now even colors.....and there are contests to see who can grow the biggest one in some areas...but they are getting smaller as well..some for the meat, some just for decoration....the fields are full of them for the choosing....they are as personal as you want...we can draw in them, write stories about them, cut out designs, fill them with meatloaf, soup, lights....our choice...but in the end, they just deteriorate and are discarded....back to the soil from which they grew...not having a soul which lives on....

Thank YOU for the fun You provide with family...pumpkin patches, pumpkins....reminders that we are so loved by You....memories, hopefully to last a lifetime....maybe not big lessons on life, but the little things...the smiles, the hugs, of time spent....

Deuteronomy  4:9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children After them....

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