Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Times have so changed.....

Times have so changed.....

I remember getting our first had one station In the evening...
My grandparents had a phone that you had to crank with a big black speaker coming out the front....
We had a wringer washer that you bodily moved the clothes from sink to sink through a wringer before hanging them out on a line...
When my children were born, disposable diapers were treat...cost .99 for a box of thirty...
We watched the news once a day in the evening.....
Computers were room sized with punch cards...
Where we lived, if you wanted to shop, you used your Penneys or Sears and Roebuck catalogs for the biggest variety of things, from underwear to toys to dishes...
We wrote weekly letters to our parents, grandparents and mailed them at the post office..
Photos where special occasions and we developed them to be put in big black paged albums with white writing...

Now there are hundreds of tv stations, 24 hours a day..
Phones go with you most anywhere in the world...
The washers are computer programmed to do various kinds of washes...
Everyone uses disposable diapers from babies to the aged...
News can be watched any hour of the day from any point on the globe....
Computers can be worn on your wrist...
Shopping is done in malls or ebay, Amazon, or, without leaving your home...
Now we hop on email, Facebook, Twitter, etc to write many people at the same time... we download our pictures directly off our cameras, arrange them on line and the books come printed to us...

And on and has become a high tech world....great in some instances, but less in others...less connection with people, which has brought it own problems in society...but as the new generations come on, they still desire that people connection for which we are made...even in the age of high tech...we have social media where we can keep in touch with more people than we ever did before...

God hasn't changed, His word hasn't changed...still the same message, it may come on a computer, MP3 player,  a wristband, or even written in a book..He still speaks to us, He still cares, loves, admonishes, comforts...His  message is never outdated...even though some may think so....He loves us through the generations,the changes in society, the good times and bad....the low tech and high tech...

He still has the same agenda ....that none would perish, but all seek Him...

Thank YOU for your unchanged message...Your consistency .....Your forever love....

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

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