Monday, June 9, 2014



I learn by doing, repetition, reading, touching, watching, smelling...all my senses...the more senses involved in learning, the better I learn....

My most favorite classes in college where teaching methods, writing lesson plans, getting ready for our student could we convey material to be learned In the best way for the students to learn .....then carrying them out and actually seeing the results...

Those creative thoughts/methods of teaching have stayed with me through parenthood, Bible studies, women's ministries, Sunday school, can I best teach something to help the student learn and carry on.....remember....

On the other hand, I want to be teachable as well, learn from whatever comes and apply it to my life and help others to learn....over the years I have found I love to learn so I can share it with to day things, ideas, skills shared...

Admittedly, I really don't like sharing how to be a widow....that means for me- I became a widow and learning firsthand...not easy 1,2,3 lists...but that is reality ....
How do I help others.....those teachable lessons...they can be found in all of our lives, all the I willing to learn?

Thank YOU for taking the time to teach, for caring enough to me be a willing student....

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

John 6:45
It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.

Philippians 4:9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Hebrews 5:8
Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered

 "Definition: A teachable moment is an unplanned opportunity that arises in the classroom where a teacher has an ideal chance to offer insight to his or her students.
A teachable moment is not something that you can plan for; rather, it is a fleeting opportunity that must be sensed and seized by the teacher. Often it will require a brief digression that temporarily sidetracks the original lesson plan so that the teacher can explain a concept that has inadvertently captured the students' collective interest.

Taking this tangent is worthwhile because it is organically timed to maximize impact on the students. Ultimately, the teachable moment could evolve into a full-blown lesson plan or unit of instruction.

During our morning meeting, one student asked why we had Veterans Day off from school yesterday. So, as the teacher, I turned this into a teachable moment to discuss the sacrifices that servicemen and servicewomen have made on behalf of our country, continuing to the present day. The students were paying rapt attention and so we ended up spending 20 minutes discussing our friends and neighbors who are in the military and what it means to our country's future." "Quite simply, everything is a teachable moment. Everything that happens between a child and parent and child and teacher is a teachable moment. To give a more structured definition, a teachable moment is a learning opportunity for a child to acquire new information, values, morals, a new behavior or a new skill, or a new way of expressing and coping with an emotion. 

Recognizing Teachable Moments Teachable moments are everywhere. For example, when you are shopping with your child in the grocery store and you are choosing foods based on nutritional value. This is a teachable moment about being healthy and making healthy choices for your body to grow and develop. Or at bedtime, a parent is reading a bedtime story with his or her child. This is a teachable moment about vocabulary and the value of literacy. It is also about spending quality time together, the value of belonging, and listening to each other. There are lots of examples in everyday life that are teachable moments. 

The Effectiveness of Teachable Moments
Teachable moments are real, spontaneous, immediate, and relate to the interest level and age of the child. By recognizing them as an opportunity, parents can have a tremendous impact on the present and future development of their children. It is important to have the timing just right so the impact of what is being taught and learned is immediate and relates to real life. 

The benefits of teachable moments are endless. Teachable moments cover so much that the learning knows no boundaries. So whatever the situation or area of interest, learning is an opportunity. Children are always learning and so are adults. Many times we do not slow down enough to know how and what we are learning. The framework of a teachable moment gives us some structure to understand the teaching and learning interchange. "

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