Thursday, March 30, 2023

Prunes are not a featured menu item…

 Prunes are not a featured menu item!!

We went on a cruise several years ago…one of my family observed that prunes were featured every meal…”must be for older people”…

Here I am living in a rehab center and I haven’t seen one prune yet…

By definition, a physical rehabilitation center is a place to come and get well…

“ A person going through physical rehabilitation might work with a variety of professionals who use different intervention techniques, such as medication or injections administered by a physiatrist, home exercise programs prescribed by a physical therapist, retraining in activities of daily living with an occupational therapist, and much more.

Physical Rehabilitation vs. Therapy

Physical rehabilitation describes the process that a person goes through to reach optimal physical functioning.

Physical therapy refers specifically to the physical therapy profession.

Physical therapy is a term that refers specifically to the physical therapy profession. In the United States, physical therapists (PTs) earn a doctorate of physical therapy (DPT), pass a medical board exam, and receive a license to work in their state.

PTs are an important part of the physical rehabilitation team and process. They are movement specialists and help restore a person’s physical functioning through assessment, goal setting, and a variety of interventions like strengthening, alignment, balance and vestibular training, and other therapeutic modalities.”from verywellhealth…

This place has been an education for me, having never needed one in the living in a non-private motel room, where they make you work!

But staff wants you to succeed! They want to get rid of you in a good way! And are doing what they can to make you successful!

When you think of other group settings, most don’t want to get rid of you…but hopefully we want to see other’s successful in their endeavors…

In a church setting, the pastor/elders are there to equip the people, sending them out with the great commission…equip others to teach, the serve…they are not there to all the work of the church..

As in the rehab, they are giving the ways and means to move forward, to be healthy, to be strong or stronger, To have and use the tools for Christian life…using the instructions, both written and spoken…

In rehab, I have been given written instructions….which I can read or not…if I do, I find help for daily living…they also give verbal instructions and how-to’s which encourage me and show me the right directions…if I don’t do anything, my health is not restored, nor will I get back any strength lost…

So too, in the Christian body…we have the Word which we can read or not, but if I do, I have a guide for healthy Christian living, transforming words…

 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


We have the teachers/ fellow Christians there to equip and encourage us in our living…

 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.


 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Eph.4.2, 32

Not all of have the opportunity to go to physical rehabilitation…but we have the opportunity to partake in the fellowship with one another…where we can build up one another the Christian love  and edification…making all stronger in our walk…

Thank YOU…

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