Sunday, March 26, 2023

My mother-in- law’s cooking…

 My mother in law and her food…

My mother in law was orphaned with siblings when she and they were under ten years old…they were divided among families, but were able to find one another after a time…not sure of all the timelines…but, as the oldest of this little family group, she was always disappointed that she could not keep her family together in some way…and I think  she felt guilty about it all of her life…my father in law helped her get together with family over the years…she learned cooking at an early age and in some things she was excellent! Her yeast rolls and pies were award winning, literally year after year…but her vegetables were less than award winning…we had many discussions about this, and as a daughter in law in adult home economics , I finally let it go and went on with life( my husband and I laughed over those early years many times- one of those early marriage adjustments)her family was healthy, well fed, well taken care of and sooooo loved…the important part…

I was raised in California, the land of the fruits, nuts and fresh, fresh,fresh food, so obviously we cooked differently. If it was cooked, it was done with a light hand, more often than not, we ate raw if possible…you went to the garden as you put on the water to boil, picked your vegetables, ran them through the boiling water to blanch, basically and you ate “ sweet corn” or crispy green beans, etc…..


Elizabeth or Mary, my mother in law cooked for ranch hands, groups of dairymen, lumberjacks….meat and potatoes types with mounds of foods served up in huge portions morning, noon and night…quickly eaten between the never ending chores. She loved what she did and did it well.. raising a family of all boys, her style moved through the ages and stages of family meals…and I know when everyone left home, her adjustment to cooking for two was huge. That was her love language, serving others….  

So… where am I going with this? 

Eating here at rehab is, for me, taking me back to my mother in law’s table.Food cooked for groups, lots of carbs, some well cooked veggies, easy the chew “everything “…am I walking into their kitchen making suggestions?…nope! But, it made me remember Elizabeth, her love of family, cooking, home…her hard beginnings …I am content to sit here among these strangers, thankful for each one, their stories, their hard work…

 For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)


Acts 10, Peter and Cornelius…

 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.


Shall not want…

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