Sunday, April 24, 2016

Estate sales...

Estate sales....

I have perused three estate sales in the last two weekends..(I actually had a list of what I was looking for) not just random stuff...I don't need any more of that...

It felt like I was walking into the past, my grandparents', my parents' and some of my own. One had pictures all around of places we had travelled, trinkets from marketplaces we had walked through...memories ... I wondered what they had talked about when walking those streets in far away places, meandering through the stalls of merchandise or viewed the scenes we had.
Were their stories shared with family members and friends? Did they have a good time? Did they meet some of the people? Did they have adventures besides the ordinary? Did they complete their bucket list?

Another sale was held in a huge shop. It was filled with mounds of fabric, huge bins of  yarn and a tables covered with craft supplies...a daughter spoke of her father who in his later years made over 2500 hand knitted hats to go to various charities who supply clothing to all ages of people...while his wife quilted for the same...from the the amount left, they needed to live another 25 years...

Another sale was filled with medical supplies...a walker, crutches, a variety of left over items used for medical help...I could only surmise that their later years were spent using all these helps...

Each place had a history laid out for purchasers to ponder, choose and buy or not...I wondered what mine will look like... Will the books be something someone can use? The crafts...the furniture? Will they look at my pictures and say, "oh, I remember that place!"?.. Or why in the world did I get this?  Why did she have so many clothes? Why did she save this or that? Oh, here is still something of dad's, grandma's, grandpa's...heirlooms? Or junk? Or these dishes look just like my grandparents/parents...

Stuff...we can't take it with our next finds it way into another's home either by sales or family care...10% of the people have 90% of the world's goods...

God, you have blessed us with abundance...stuff...but, more than that, Yourself...these trinkets that we hold dear here on earth have little value in the grand scheme of life...our greatest Value is knowing You, offering You to others, depositing our treasures in heaven...Thank YOU...

Ecclesiastes 3:6b....a time to keep and a time to throw away, 

The whole book of Ecclesiastes....

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

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