Thursday, January 18, 2024



People are basically the same from generation to generation…we have the same hurts, triumphs, emotions, downfalls…they maybe called by different names or treated differently, but for the most part they are the same…we have anger, bitterness, joys, sorrows, thoughts, jealousies, doubts just as in the beginning with Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and his crew, Abraham, Moses and on down the line…til today…corrupt leaders, good leaders…times and years have come and gone…

God has remained the same…his plan has remained the same…he doesn’t lie…He loves, He judges, He never forsakes us, He provides, He disciplines, He comforts…and so much more…

 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,


The notes is a study book brings out the people around Jesus during his last days…

Those who praised him, those who betrayed, those who are with him, those who hurt and punished him, those who cursed him, those who tried him, those who mocked him, those who denied him, those who helped him, those who watched him breathe his last, his mother, those who followed him, those who felt betrayed because of his death, those who pounded those nails, the one who was released instead of him, those who were burdened because of him, those who wanted nothing to do with him, those who were jealous of him, those who gambled for his clothing, those who pierced him….

We still have those people with us today…we/I  have/am those people …there are mockers, deniers, followers, cursers, betrayers, nail pounders, etc…there are still those who want nothing to do with Jesus and there are those who give their lives because of him…there are still those who are jealous of him and his mighty power, kingship…

And He still calls  us to Himself…His love has not wained over the generations…

Thank YOU…

Love is this… 

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