Monday, December 5, 2022

Psalm 141…please listen…refuge…

 Psalm 141….please listen…refuge…

One of the times I read through the Psalms was when my husband was dying…it wasn’t Job I turned to, but David’s psalms….

We were fighting an enemy, cancer….surrounded by helpful people, but the fight was still relentless… we fought the deep pit of despair, felt like our feet were stuck in the miry clay, words by the enemy, we had anger toward the situation, we cried, we wanted out, we wanted the enemy cast away from us…we felt like fainting ….many of the emotions brought out by David at his times of trials…in the psalms…

I would read them at night after all had left, my husband holding my hand until he couldn’t and then I held his…reading, crying, seeking the same refuge that David spoke of…seeking the same strength that a king sought so many years ago…

I am glad that God isn’t partial…helping a king and us with the same care and love…refuge…

My husband didn’t win the battle with cancer, but he went to  a better place, knowing a Savior…who gives eternal life to those who  seek and find Him….

Thank YOU….

 O Lord, I call upon you; hasten to me! Give ear to my voice when I call to you! 

But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord;in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!


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