Thursday, December 2, 2021

Swaddling cloths…


Swaddling clothes…

I inherited a box of linen toweling from one of my grandmothers…some old towels, some “new” fabric to make more towels, extra scraps…a “variety pack”. I have added to the box from various estate sales over the past few years and had even bought some new tea towels to use. I finally went through it all, kept some, and “regifted “ some, painted on some for gifts…

But, each time I handled this bounty I thought of Mary and her swaddling cloths which she had for her newborn…how when my children were born, I had prepared a new outfit to take them home from the hospital, a new blanket, all the accruements for my newborn babies…

Mary and Joseph weren’t rich, even though they received the most valuable gift of all…I am sure she lovingly prepared her cloths with as much love and care and maybe more so as excited new mothers do…

Those cloths, clean and ready to hold this tiny baby, the King of the Jews, the Counselor, the heir of all things…Creator…the Lamb of God…

Reading about swaddling cloths was interesting…some say that it was a symbol of the death linens which Jesus was later wrapped in after his crucifixion…

Other authors/commentators write about how the lambs taken care of for sacrifices were wrapped/swaddled, laid in mangers so that there would be no blemishes and kept perfect for the sacrifices…the shepherds would have seen this symbolism when they arrived to view the Christ child  after being told by the Angels heralding His birth…

I love this picture…this simple thought, a simple piece of cloth used to teach, to point to the Lamb of God…we use these cloths to clean…to wrap around…to hold…now we can further think of them as part of Jesus’ story…

Thank YOU….

and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Luke 2:7 niv

And this will be a sign for you [by which you will recognize Him]: you will find a Baby wrapped in [swaddling] cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:12 amp

And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

Luke 2:7 esv

“WOW! What imagery! They are looking for lambs to be birthed, when right under their nose, Mary  was giving birth to the Lamb of God. Jonathan Cahn goes further and teaches that Yeshua was born on Nissan 1. Nissan is the first month of the year, a time for new beginnings. But it would not be a time of pilgrimage or in the dead of the cold, wet winter. Cahn makes the case that every other major event in Yeshua’s life and kingdom coincides with a Jewish feast day:

Passover > His death

First Fruit Offering is brought  (Lev. 23) > His resurrection

Shavuot (Lev. 23) > Birth of the church (Acts 2)

Rosh Hashanah > the Second Coming

Yom Kippur > End time forgiveness (Zech. 13:1)

Feast of Tabernacles > Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Is. 25, Rev. 19, Zech. 14)”

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