Saturday, December 18, 2021

Questions to think about…

 Questions to think about…

One of my grandsons climbed into my car the other day and as we were driving home, he posed the snow globe question…

Then as I was reading this morning, the Christmas story question popped out…

1. Which person in the Christmas Story would you like to interview?

2. If you were in a snow globe, what/who would you like to be with?

What open ended questions…we all would come up with a variety of answers and reasons why…

Christmas story-

Mary and Joseph had a longer time to think about all the happenings…

We know Mary thought about deep things as the words, “pondered, considered” are associated with her…

Both Mary and Joseph were very obedient…what were their life experiences previous to this amazing/monumental event…what made them the people they were? Later, they marveled at Simeon’s blessing, what must they again thought?

The shepherds were astonished but soooo excited …

The Inn keeper, what did he think from all the ruckus or did he even care? Did he bring out fresh water and clean out the manger a bit? Did he take pity on the young couple and their dire circumstances?

Being the mother of the Christ child, was Mary excused from the pain of childbirth?

The wisemen, later, how did they know, what was their training, education that they looked for a star? 

The Who, what, when, where questions….


The snow globe-

Opened ended for everyone…but fun…

As I read scripture, there are questions I ask as well

The Who, what, when, where of portion…

The context, who is writing, time frame, to whom is it written, why…

Any repeated words, phases…

My most important question is, what is this saying to me? What is the application? What is the Spirit teaching?

To me, one of Jesus biggest questions was, 

“And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” 

Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Mark 8:29 

This a question each and every person around the world has to face…not just Peter long ago…it is a question that can change our eternity….

Later, a jailer questioned…

Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Acts 16:30-31 


It would be a fun quest to just study questions asked in scriptures and where they lead…

Thank YOU for Your answers…in Jesus…

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