Saturday, December 3, 2016



I spent Yet another day sitting at an all day seminar about transitions, transitioning, "passing the baton" in families, family businesses...
As a "boomer" with adult children of various ages, interests, abilities, capabilities, giftings, personalities, time available, business acumen, vocations, etc...., I need to make wise decisions, communicate freely, act above board in the passing on of knowledge, life, the next generation...
In these times, "boomers" are handing off the most  wealth ever...but we, also, need to be handing off the "wealth" of God teaching is the lasting gift...

We need to do it with confidence, leadership, creativity, relationally, and credibility...

Not in-coincidentally, I am studying through 2 Timothy...which is Paul offering last words of advise and life to his "dear son" in the Lord, Timothy... Transitioning from one generation to another the wisdom he has garnered from his life in the Lord...with warnings, admonitions, encouragement...confident that with God's help Timothy will carry on the work to which he has been called...

I guess I am still surprised to be where I am in life,...widowed, a matriarch, a business owner, a older woman,  a mentor.... I feel like I have so much to learn yet, but I also have knowledge and wisdom of age...I, too, am gifted and God wants me to use it all...with His leadership...but, I am still reeling from the changes and the expectations...but, God is able to use each of us wherever we are in life...

Thank YOU for Your everlasting love, which transcends all...You have gifted us each in the ways we should go...You stand ready to bestow wisdom in all our words, actions if we but ask....You make known our paths and have prepared them...thank YOU...

2 Timothy...

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

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