Saturday, December 24, 2016


"Anticlimactic "...

Our family does not necessarily celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day...
We just pick a day when we can all usually get together  that fits with work schedules...not everyone has Christmas Day as a day off..especially our wonderful public servants, the police or fireman and many others...

So I was contemplating this as we have had our Christmas and the set aside Christmas Day is yet to come...sort of anticlimactic...we have had our family gathering, everyone is either on their way to their respective homes or have completed the journey....through snow and ice again this year...

But, Christmas is still yet to come...imagine a world long ago waiting for the Messiah...he does comes quietly into the world into a stable, not a mansion..with a fan fare of angels, shepherds and later the wisemen...

This tiny child who came for all to have eternal life at his word, believing He is God of salvation, the redeemer...the creator of the universe, weaver of lives..planner of life paths...He held the world in His tiny pudgy  baby hands...such a mystery...

"This everlasting gift was the sole purpose of My entering your sin-stained world. Receive My gift with awe and humility." Sarah Young in Jesus Calling..

Psalm 119: 57a says, " You are my portion, oh, LORD.."

The real reason for Christmas is everyday...not just one set aside for yearly celebrations...HE came to give life all the days, abundant eternal life...a gift without measure...thank YOU...

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