Last night on the news, the meteorologist was talking about the meteor showers which are at their peak tonight and tomorrow night. I went out before I went to bed last night and again early this morning, 4am, and stood and watched the sky. This morning there were a few showers, but I plan to watch tonight again. It is so amazing to watch the brilliance of the stars in the darkness...these past few years, we have had so many fires that they obscured the sky with smoke, so it is a pleasure not to have fires as well as to see the meteor shower this time of year...
What gifts of light God has given us to watch...and to think that each star is named by God himself... For our delight and pursuit ...
I was thinking this as a well known Christian, Franklin Graham is speaking many places this summer. He, as well as his father, Billy, will go down as stars who have lead many to righteousness, with their world wide ministries.
Others have gone before, DL Moody, Charles Spurgeon, the Wesleys, to name a few...they led many to the throne of the unnamed men and women who daily work in the thousands of ministries sharing Christ across the globe in a multitude of positions...stars, each one, using their talents and lives to forward the cause of Christ...shining in dark places...and God knows each by their name as well..
Thank YOU for the showers of blessings....
1 Corinthians 15:41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
Psalm 147:4 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
Genesis 1:16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
Psalm 136:9 the moon and stars to ilgovern the night; His love endures forever.
Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever
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