Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Yesterday’s conversation…communicate…

 Yesterday’s conversation….communicate…

Yesterday we had no exercise facilitator….just signs around the edge of the pool to follow..

So another exerciser and I worked together as we did them, with a constant conversation…which we don’t usually have time for…

Our conversation centered around being prepared…she knows nothing of their finances, checking, bills, paperwork, insurances, etc…the husband does it all…which is okay, but what if something happened and she had to take it over…

So her question was, “what do I do?”…

I had the same question, for my parents and my husband eons of time back , which seems like yesterday…

My mom had had a stroke, and I went to help my dad take care of her….and him….two months until she could get around on her own and eventually she drove again and taught her beloved painting classes…

But another goal of mine was to find out about all of their estate stuff, paperwork, accounts, etc…both for my peace of mind and my mother’s…my dad took care of everything as well…

So I explained what I needed from my dad and he graciously conceded…he began dragging out shoe boxes, small wooden boxes, files folders…etc…from under his bed, various closets.

We ended putting together a binder…

All account numbers..

Insurance info..

Contacts…lawyers, accountants, etc…

Phone numbers and addresses of people they knew…

House deed, car title…

Any ancestry info…

Military records…

Safe combinations…

A copy of will/trusts, POA, etc..

List of advisers…

Any funeral wishes, burial site/deed info…

Etc, etc,etc, …

I ended up purchasing him a file cabinet so at least all those little boxes could be in one place…

But, leaving my parents after that visit and caretaking  time…we all felt better physically and emotionally…we had many long talks…opening up many subjects…

But, upon returning home, my children wanted the same info about my husband and I…so another journey…making sure that it is kept pretty well up to date…now you have to add websites, passwords…

Later, as my mom, husband and dad passed away in quick succession, I was so glad that we had all taken time to put that info together…not just for the info, but for the times together, working through the process…the inheritance of values, love, care…

We are stewards…of all that God bestows upon us, whether rich or poor…whatever path He leads us on…we are still stewards…of His Word, His resources, His wisdom, His gifts…

I thought of this as I read Psalm 62 this am…it’s repetition…where our ultimate trust lies…

 For God alone my soul waits in silence;from him comes my salvation. 

He alone is my rock and my salvation,my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken…

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation,my fortress; I shall not be shaken…

On God rests my salvation and my glory;my mighty rock, my refuge is God. 

Trust in him at all times, O people;pour out your heart before him;God is a refuge for us. Selah 

Once God has spoken;twice have I heard this:that power belongs to God,     and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.

For you will render to a man according to his work.

Ps.62.1-2, Ps.62.5-8, Ps.62.11-12

Thank YOU…

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