Friday, October 28, 2022



My cousin posted this about cancer…this week…

“Left without understanding, last breath heard, and it's over. Can't say this will be my last post for awhile, but perhaps the last real meaning for awhile. I love each and every one of you! Certainly, in the hardest moments of life, we recognize friends or real people who really appreciate us. Unfortunately, some friends often click 'Like' but in reality, they don't take the time to read a status if they see it's long.

I decided to post this message to someone very special to me who fought until the end with toughness and energy; who taught me to live every day as if it were the best day; who filled the world with a beautiful smile and spirit t's sweet.

Now I'm looking at those who will have time to read this post to the end (I think I might be able to guess the first 5 or less). Cancer is too invasive and body destructive. Even after the treatment is over, the body fights itself trying to rebuild all the damage caused by radiation. It's a long process (100% true).

So please, in Honor of a family member or friend who died or is fighting cancer or even someone who had cancer but is now cured, copy and paste (don't share) this post to your page.

So I will know who read my status, please write "Done"

To all the people with hearts gone too soon and to all those who fought until the end with strength and courage

I am supporting Pink October.”


11 years ago this week we heard the results, the findings of tests, X-rays…the conclusion….glioblastoma, stage 4 brain cancer…12-18 months max, surgery scheduled….chemo, radiation to follow…

None  of those words existed in our vocabulary until that day…shock, dismay, tears, numbness, panic entered the door…But, God was there all the time…He never left, He quieted us in the darkness with his light, He held our hand, He gave me songs in the night…He spoke in quiet tones…He comforted when we wanted to scream, “why?”…

And when 5 1/2 months passed, He still held us at the memorials…the flag folding, the 21 gun salute, the lowering of the casket, through the grief, the well wishers, still giving songs in the night….comfort in words, His Word, through the maze of shock, tears, change…comfort in counseling, friends, community, business partners and associates…time….

No, tears still come at odd moments, ambushes…am not consumed with grief anymore…but acquainted with it now…once in awhile walking that path along with those  who are hurting…maybe giving a bit of comfort as others gave me, as He gave me…listening to their stories, their pain…

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.


Thank YOU….“

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