Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Cycles…Psalm 78…

 Cycles….Psalm 78…

Reading through Psalm 78, I was reminded of cycles , the ups and downs of life, generations, nature…

One of the books given to us at one of the conferences was “Everything beautiful in its time” by Jenna Bush Hager…

It is a pleasant book, a tear jerker, a friend-maker book. It feels like you are sitting with her, learning about a new friend…getting acquainted…speaking of her family, thinking about yours, finding commonality…and differences…the life and death of grandparents, their love for one another and family….their faith throughout their lives…their personalities…

Psalm 78 tells of the ups and downs of the nation of Israel…their walking with God and turning away, over and over…the provisions and judgments, the personalities, the steadfastness of God through it all…

The last verse… “With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.”


Speaks of David, a chosen King…but to me it speaks of the Holy God who guides and shepherds us…with His skillful hand…

Thank YOU…

 The Photos were taken of a cycles of a cactus outside our door…a cycle of blooming…over a two day period…opening for a day, giving its sweet nectar, closed and falling off …for another to take its place…cycles…

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