Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Psalm 72…the last psalm of .David…

 Psalm 72…the last psalm of David…

As I read this Psalm realizing that this one is the last psalm of David, it reminded me of Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy…a father praying for and exhorting his “son” or in a larger sense God speaking of his Son, Jesus…

Or as a parent, what we want for our children, wisdom, praise for God, following Him…

In any of these instances, this psalm reads like the blessings that the patriarchs bestowed on their children…

It made me realize how much more I need to pray for my own children…grandchildren… those who God brings across our path in life in mentoring relationships…whose lives have touched us far and near…

Thank YOU…

There are some very great commentaries of this psalm…by great teachers …well worth the reading…

“I. He is earnest in prayer for the accomplishment of this prophecy and promise: Let the whole earth be filled with his glory, as it will be when the kings of Tarshish, and the isles, shall bring presents to him. It is sad to think how empty the earth is of the glory of God, how little service and honour he has from a world to which he is such a bountiful benefactor. All those, therefore, that wish well to the honour of God and the welfare of mankind, cannot but desire that the earth may be filled with the discoveries of his glory, suitably returned in thankful acknowledgments of his glory. Let every heart, and every mouth, and every assembly, be filled with the high praises of God. We shall see how earnest David is in this prayer, and how much his heart is in it, if we observe, 1. How he shuts up the prayer with a double seal: “Amen and amen; again and again I say, I say it and let all others say the same, so be it. Amen to my prayer; Amen to the prayers of all the saints to this purport—Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come.” 2. How he ever shuts up his life with this prayer, Ps. 72:20. This was the last psalm that ever he penned, though not placed last in this collection; he penned it when he lay on his death-bed, and with this he breathes his last: “Let God be glorified, let the kingdom of the Messiah be set up, and kept up, in the world, and I have enough, I desire no more. With this let the prayers of David the son of Jesse be ended. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.”” Mathew Henry Commentary…(italics, mine)



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