Thursday, October 27, 2022



Previously, I wrote about a changed move….what our family experienced by a changed direction made over lunch in New York…by people we never met…

But I know that each of us experience change in our lives, each have a story…it may be an illness, marriage, the birth of a child, a car ride, a spontaneous decision,  etc., etc., etc….some we do on “own”, others we do with much prayer, fasting and waiting…some are life changing, some are world changing…

We change family groups, we change church groups, working groups, neighborhoods…etc., even belief groups…

Going through the Word, there is change from the beginning…

God made the world…He made light, divided the light from the dark, He divided the waters, He made land, vegetation, lights in  the expanse, living creatures in the waters and on the land and sky, and finally man…what change…I can’t imagine…I love to create, but it always has to start with something…He created with His Word…

Adam and Eve changed their living environment by disobedience, eating from the tree of life, listening to the deceiver instead of God…banned from the garden to work the ground by the sweat  of his brow…with thorns and thistles…with mankind needing a Savior from that time onward…

Consider Noah, “ But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”

Gen. 6:8… a man going about his daily business…asked to build an ark….an ark? To house his family and a zoo…rain? Water covering the whole earth?….now that was a change…

Things happen in our lives that we can’t even imagine…like Noah…

But, he trusted, he obeyed, he built, he was saved…the stories he could tell his grandchildren…passing down his faith….

 By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.



Thank YOU…you have always had a plan…You don’t change…help me to move with your plans, experiencing the changes you have planned…

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