Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Sites....Israel 8...

Sites...Israel 8...

As we toured around, looking at a multitude of sites, it was explained that there are “traditional sites”, ones which by traditional or word of mouth through generations were acknowledged “real” sites of biblical events: “could be” sites; “no historical basis but nice sites”....

This article about Cana emphasizes the “could be” sites—5 possible sites...we visited one mostly acknowledged...

There are at least five locations which have been under consideration as the New Testament Cana:[11]

Qana, Lebanon (also known as Qana al-Jalil)
Kafr Kanna, Israel (also known as Kefar Kenna)
Khirbet Kana, Israel
Karm er-Rasm, Israel
Ain Quana, Israel
Qana, Lebanon 

The village of Qana, about 18 miles (29 km) from Tyre, Lebanon, is traditionally held to be the correct site by many Lebanese Christians, and is Eusebius's pick in his 4th century Onomasticon.[1][12][13] In times of peace, it is a popular tourist site commemorating the miracle.[14]

Kafr Kanna, Israel 

The first time this site is associated with New Testament Cana is in a mid-17th century report to the Pope by Francesco Quaresimo, the papal emissary to Palestine, where he noted there were two possible candidates: Khirbet Qana and Kafr Kanna.[15] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, a tradition dating back to the 8th century[16] identifies Cana with the modern Arab town of Kafr Kanna, on the feet of Nazareth range, about 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) northeast of Nazareth.

Some scholars believe, according to archaeological evidence, that the identification of Kafr Kanna was the result of the decline of Khirbet Qana beginning in the Mamluk period. They note that it was a common practice for new and more affluent and easily accessible sites to be established in place of old ones to accommodate increases in pilgrim traffic, particularly in the late Medieval and Ottoman periods.[15]

Khirbet Kana, Israel 

The ruined village of Khirbet Qana, meaning "the ruins of Cana", is also a possible candidate. It overlooks the Beit Netofa Valley from the north, and is about 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) north of Kafr Kanna, and has also been noticed by pilgrims since the 12th century or earlier.[17] Its Arabic name is Kana-el-Jalil. Although it parallels the gospel of John, it could either be an ancient retention, as Edward Robinson maintained,[17] or it was attached to the place in conversation with querying pilgrims.[1]

This site is located on a limestone outcropping that rises 330 feet (100 m) above the floor of the Bet Netofa Valley, 8 miles (13 km) from Nazareth and 5 miles (8.0 km) northeast of Sepphoris in lower Galilee. It also has long been identified as the true location of New Testament Cana. Recent excavations by the late archaeologist Douglas Edwards (of the University of Puget Sound) and archaeologist Tom McCollough reveal architectural and numismatic remains that demonstrate that the site contained a modest-sized village from the Hellenistic period onward (c. 200 BCE – 650 CE), including a structure which bears similarities to Roman-period synagogues, and several Mikveh pools for Jewish ceremonial bathing. Most importantly, they also uncovered a cave complex on the south slope of the site which showed indications that it had been used as a center for worship, including a sarcophagus lid/altar and a shelf which held two stone vessels in situ, and space for another four vessels, suggesting that Khirbet Kana was regarded as New Testament Cana from a very early time. Remains of an Arab village and a church or monastery were also uncovered immediately south of the cave complex.

Other historical evidence from the Byzantine and Medieval periods also show that Khirbet Kana was regarded as the true site of New Testament Cana from a very early period. A guidebook written by a certain Theodosius between 517-527 CE titled The Layout of the Holy Land identifies Khirbet Kana, and indicates that two of the vessels were still at the location. A pilgrim account written by Saewulf in 1101–1103 CE also identifies the site, as do Belard of Ascoli (c. 1155 CE) and Dominican friar Burchard of Mount Sion (1283 CE), and a map by noted cartographer Petrus Vesconte in 1321 CE. Burchard of Mount Sion also describes a cave complex located there which was used as a veneration site where "the place is shown at this day where the six water pots stood, and the dining-room where the tables were placed."[18]

Karm er-Rasm, Israel 

Located just north of Kfar Kanna, this site was recently excavated by Israeli archaeologist Yardenna Alexandre. She is convinced that this site is the true location of New Testament Cana. The excavation revealed evidence of a substantial Roman village with a Jewish population which declined considerably in the Late Roman period, and which was finally abandoned in the Byzantine Period, explaining why the pilgrim route was shifted to Kfar Kanna. She also believes the site is precisely identified by Josephus, but other scholars disagree.[19]

Ain Qana, Israel 

This site, whose name means "the spring of Cana" is located about a mile north of Nazareth. Some early Christian pilgrim reports mention a spring in association with the Cana of Galilee, but no excavations have been conducted there yet."[19] Ain Qana is considered by some to be a better candidate based on etymological grounds.”

Another we visited was the Mount of the Beatitudes...a beautiful hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee, not historic connection, but could be...chosen by a group who built a chapel, gardens, mosaics of the beatitudes.

Or in the southern desert...caves in the dry cliffs of the En Gedi...or the caves where the Dead Sea scrolls were found...each are pretty obvious sites...

Emmaus was another with various recognized sites...

We climbed down under the present day Jerusalem into “old Jerusalem”...beautiful mosaic floors, excavated rooms....walking in history again and again...

Or down, down into “recognized” site for the nativity....where a huge church covers this place...

Sites which may or may not be the “real” biblical place ...but give the mind a picture of what might have been...drawing us nearer to recognition of what historical people were like, their customs, their everyday life, whom Jesus or the patriarchs, Pharisees, Paul or Peter were  speaking to...everyday people like their lives...needing God...needing a Savior...we don’t worship the places ...or the things ...or the roads where Jesus may have walked...

We worship a living God, the creator of it all...not the things he created...He is our portion...thank YOU...

35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Matthew 24:35 

you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
1 Peter 2:5-6 

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. 
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:5-8,11 

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