Sunday, May 19, 2019

Gates....Israel 14....Washington DC 6....

Gates....Israel 14...Washington DC 6...

Have been at a conference here in Washington DC...
Venue...the Museum of the Bible...sixth floor, with a fantastic view of the city from the capitol buildings to the Washington Monument...the Cathedral stands tall out at a distance ....beautiful views with a pictorial map identifying the buildings...

But, back to the subject...gates...
Wherever we go here in Washington DC, we go through security at each entrance except at the Botanical Gardens...police presence everywhere...

In Israel, we went through security as well in many police presence everywhere...

Gates, doors once open,  unguarded have changed over the years with more and more threats to harm...

A subject talked about at this conference is “gateway” languages...large language groups all over the world which many people speak as a second language...which scriptures are being translated into or  have been and the smaller populations of heart languages which still need the would it be if you went to church only to open a Bible with empty pages??? Your language not yet having a written translation...or your leader had no scriptures to even study from or read to you....
This was illustrated in a huge room with copies of all the translated Bibles in one section, those with work in progress in another section and those with nothing in still yet another large section...

These three sections reminded me of gates...those having translations were wide open gates to the Scriptures...
Those partially translated were partially opened...people have portions of the Word to read... 
Finally, those blank books were closed written Word...

Gates have so many uses...they provide safety, care, watchfulness, security...just like the Word...Jesus...

We can be gates as well...opening our lives and hearts to others, providing an opening to those scriptures by our willingness to share the Word whether by financial support to missionaries, guiding those around us, supporting organizations which translate, speaking truth into lives...many, many opportunities....

Thank YOU for being our “Gate”...

Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.
Psalm 118:19-21 

9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.
John 10:9 

Photos to much more about gates...

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