Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I saw a man weeping....Washington DC 2....

I saw a man weeping.....Washington DC 2...

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it
Luke 19:41 

Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”
John 11:35-36

There are a lot of memorials, statues, in and around Washington DC.
Yesterday, we went to the Lincoln Memorial, Korean memorial,  the Vietnam wall memorial, Arlington cemetery for part of the saw  many others as we traversed the area by tour bus...

But, along the path, I saw a man weeping...was it the thousands of names engraved in black stone...
The flowers along the Wall...
The families standing near a name....
The high schoolers slowly examining the wall...
The volunteer helping find a name...
Or the friend and family name written there...

Or the Korean wall reflecting the statues of soldiers trudging through the  vegetation...

Or the civil war remnants...and president Lincoln sitting high above the crowds gazing across the grounds...His words emblazoned on the white walls of his memorial....

Or the thousands of white government issued headstones set in the green hills surrounded by white dogwood trees blooming in Arlington cemetery...

Or the eternal flame burning in commemoration of the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960’s...his resting place chosen to look out across the area...

Or the quiet, formal walking to and fro of the soldiers at the grave of the unknown soldier....the placing of yet another wreath...the changing the of the guard...the diligence with which these men stay on duty through all kinds of weather, day or night....

Or this week, the ceremony saluting fallen law Enforcement officers this past year...

 Or hearing the bag pipes of pipers...

Or tears of joy, watching thousands of students learning about the nation’s history, hopefully deciding to be creative, law abiding citizens...

Weeping...some which will pass...some which will continue from time to time...tears which may change to dancing or joy...

Thank YOU that we can mourn, weep...

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
Ecclesiastes 3:4 

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