Monday, June 26, 2017

Where have all the birds gone....

Where have all the birds gone...

A long time ago, in a far away place, there was a song, "where have all the flowers gone?" Written by Pete Seeger and it is still performed...he wrote it during the Vietnam war era...gleaned from words the Cossacks sang as they went off to war in yet another war long ago...

The song streams through my head only I have changed the initial words to, "where have all the birds gone?"

This last year and a half, several contractors have been tearing up, building a new housing subdivision across the street...what once was an open field with trees, brush is now scraped off ground filling with houses one after another...signs stick out of the ground saying available and sold, dust continually blows, trucks of all sizes are lumbering up and down the street all during the day, six days a week...

This summer I have noticed, sadly, that the birds, which were abundant, are gone...not even the militant starlings, are gone as bird feeders stand full, which in times past needed filling almost every day..
The hummingbird feeder has no takers as well...

I guess the birds don't like the noise and upheaval anymore than I and a new normal has been established...with them finding new homes further away in new trees...change...for us all...

I am disappointed that they have left...they were fun, entertaining, and brought life each day...they washed in the bird bath, sat in my trees or hooted in the big tree in the evening, scavenged food from the ground,  they brought their songs, babies to the feeders, fought over the nectar in the flowers...

Maybe next year when the building has calmed, they will return...

Another lesson in contentment...thank YOU...a tranquil heart and the face of change...

Numbers 6:26 The Lord lift up His countenance (face ) upon you with divine approval, And give you peace (a tranquil heart and life).AMP

Philippians 4:11, 13 Not that I speak from any personal need, for I have learned to be content and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy regardless of my circumstances. I can do all things which He has called me to do through Him who strengthens and empowers me to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace. AMP

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