Wednesday, June 28, 2017

48 1/2...

48 1/2....

Today would have been our 48 1/2 year anniversary.  But, we got 43 years instead. When I was reading the following devotional in "Jesus Always", I thought of those breaths that God has given...each one totally dependent upon Him...I can't  do it on my own, even though I may think I can...only He gives the air, the muscle power, the ability to draw each breath...

I remember watching, first my mom, then my husband, and finally my father draw those labored breaths as each body finally shut down and they entered into the next phase of their lives...I admit, I couldn't watch the final breaths, for me personally that as too much...watching death...but I held their limp hands as long as I them and myself permission to leave...

The song, "this is air I breathe...." Brings back those moments when they didn't need help breathing anymore...they were in God's hands just they had been all each of us left are...a reality check...God gives and he determines length of days by the air we breathe...the breaths we take...the plans he has for us...

Thank YOU...for the breaths you alone give...

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Psalm 90:12, 14 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.

Hi - I'm reading "Jesus Always (with Bonus Content): Embracing Joy in His Presence" by Sarah Young and wanted to share this quote with you.

"June 28 EVERYTHING YOU HAVE IS A GIFT from Me, including each breath you breathe. I shower so many blessings on you that it’s easy to take some of My precious gifts for granted. Most people don’t recognize the wonder of inhaling My Life continually. Yet it was only when I breathed the breath of Life into Adam that he became a living being. As you sit quietly in My Presence, try thanking Me silently each time you inhale. As you exhale, affirm your trust in Me. The longer you do this, the more relaxed you will become. While you are taking time with Me, I help you appreciate and thank Me for blessings you often overlook: skies and trees, light and colors, loved ones and daily comforts. The list is endless! The more you look for good things in your life, the clearer your vision becomes. Of course, your greatest gratitude should be for eternal Life, which is yours because you believe in Me. This is a priceless forever-gift that will fill you with ever-increasing Joy in My Presence!"

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