Thursday, June 22, 2017

Columbia 10...random thoughts...

Columbia 10
"Random" thoughts...

Unsolicited and freely given gifts...the people we met on this trip were gifts to us. Their desire to see others saved, their love exhibited to the children and their families was undeniable....

The small boxes brought joy, but also connection,  a picture that someone loves them whom they don't know, but cares for their souls...

The joy in children's faces is indescribable...

A simple box can change someone's eternity...

The Word given out changes lives...

Trips can be an adventure...

God uses anything to speak to our hearts...

Prayer, even in the "small" things is important...

Be ready for surprises...and be flexible...

Be watchful, don't miss the "little" lessons along the for the harvest...

One child, one box, one lifetime...God gets the glory...

Notes and letters mean soooo much in the boxes, a handprint on a card so that the child can "touch" the hand that sent the gift...a family picture to relate to the address to receive a thank you...

We met in "unfinished" churches ....there is a lot to do yet... in the lives of the people, the real "temples"...   Genesis -"surely the Lord is in this place"

Quote, "precious entrustments" by Bill I listen, do I follow the promptings or urgings, do I look for divine encounters...

Box sterilite boxes- they shatter, watch for age appropriate things, pack as if you giving it to someone you know-would they like this, personal notes or cards are important...even with 9 million plus given, one box is a gift is like water in a dry land-a delight...

How do I integrate what I saw and learned into everyday life?   What are the plans for me now? Where do I fit into God's kingdom? There are so many ministries...I love the grass roots ones... The "behind the scenes" ones which build up and the Word, gifts, transportation, hope,
medical help,  water, encouragement in Jesus' name...

Thank YOU for the opportunity...

Deuteronomy 16:17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.

Psalm 112:5a,9 Good will come to those who are generous...
They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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