Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Columbia 6, graduation...

Columbia 6


As we participated in gift giving, we also participated briefly in a graduation...

When a child is given a Christmas box, they are also receive a booklet and an invitation to attend a 12 week class, "The Greatest Journey", the gospel..given in written, oral form...they do stories from the Bible, activities, drama, all Bible based...with times, of course, for life changes and hopefully accepting salvation...

At the end of these 12 weeks, there is a graduation...
In our instance, graduation gowns and caps were furnished to each child...what a sight..they sat so proud...but the childishness was still evident in the their faces...their giggles and pokes all the while paying attention to the proceedings...

The parents and visitors crowded around looking on as well...

Each God's workmanship...each with so much God given potential...each with a path...

At the ceremony, each child who has completed the 12 weeks, receives a certificate and a New Testament...and then we were privileged to hear a few tears ones on how these children's lives had been changed by God's loving hand...

Pictures that came to me through this graduation-
Desert to lushness...
Dry to water...
Hardness to brokenness and freedom through Christ...
Death to life...
Darkness to light...
Unknowing to knowing Christ...
Hopelessness to hope...
Anger to joy....
Neglect to care ....
Frowns to smiles...
Hate to love...
Bad to good...
Transformation of a soul, family, village, country....the world...from a small gift given in love...prayers guiding that gift to the heart of the receiver...

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Thank YOU for your graduations in each of our lives...some are so visible and some are hidden in our hearts and souls...Your Word pierces, conquering  nations...with Your love for each...

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