Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Columbia 8...the phone and other miracles...

Columbia 8
The phone...and other miracles...

One day I took my phone in my back a back up for pictures...

I never got it out of the back pack at all for the hole backpack was on the floor of the bus near my feet the whole time...when we arrived at the hotel later that night, I was unloading and repacking for next day, the phone was missing... It held all my contact information for thirst of the trip, phone numbers, addresses, etc., etc...I phoned the leader's room, no answer...felt in my spirit to go down to lobby immediately which I did, padding  barefoot down the five flights...

The leader was there with the in-country leaders debriefing the day...the odd thing was that they weren't supposed to be there. They had gone down the street to another cafe for coffee as planned, but found it closed so came back to hotel instead...
So I told them my plight, the pastor called the bus company...the bus was just ready to go into the "wash" area where they completely clean it out...anything found is "finders keepers"... So the pastor went to the company, walked through the bus and found my phone as well as another forgotten item of someone else's, brought them back and I had my phone in 30 minutes from the time I missed it...praises all around...a prayer answered...This was just a small miracle that happened...

At each of the distribution sites, we prayed for the local workers, asking for guidance, protection, wisdom, strength, etc.,  laying hands on them....knowing that God was working in each life...the children, the parents, whomever was there...

At one site, oil started flowing from one of the pastor's hands as we prayed...she went around and prayed for each of us as she anointed each with some it was the aroma of sweet oil, to others it was olive oil, to me it had  the smell of fish oil-as that seemed to be my theme for the week(fishers of men)...the oil literally dripped on the ground  as she went from person to person...speaking truth into lives...

The miracle of feeding the five thousand was portrayed by the graduating students...but the miracles in their lives was most evident... Freedom from anger and fears, new life in the souls of each...hope in the future, salvation for each who asked...eternity beginning in a small shoe box...and given by a person thousands of miles away...miracles worth continuing...answered prayers as each box winged its way into hands of children all over the world...the Word made to all...thank YOU for the miracles seen and unseen...fruit that will last...

Daniel 4:3 How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation.

Acts 4:30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

John 15:16-17 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.

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