Monday, April 17, 2017

Truths about giving....

Truths about giving....

It seem appropriate to be studying about giving around tax day and the anniversary of the passing of my husband as well as meeting another widow whose husband gift was giving...

While going through a Bible study written by Kelly Minter, "All things New" on 2 Corinthians, part of the study includes truths about giving...

1. "God's definition of generous giving isn't dependent on how much or how little wealth a person has.
2. The experience of giving is a privilege that is accompanied by Joy even I difficult circumstances.
3. Our willingness to give must be matched with actual follow through.
4. God cares about our desire to give more than the amount we are able to give.
5. The discipline of giving is for the mutual benefit of the giver and the receiver .
6. Giving must be done in the right spirit but also in the right way.
7. A lifestyle of generosity is not an individual endeavor but a team effort.
8.  A lifestyle of generous giving requires planning.
9. God is the Ultimate source of our giving..."

I would add to her list...
1. God wants us to test him about giving,...Malachi 3
2. Giving can be done in secret not as an act to be seen by men...Matthew 6
3. We are not to love money....Hebrews 13:5
4. Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
5. Those with the gift of giving are to give generously ...Romans 12:8
6. We are not to worry about our needs. Matthew 6

And I am sure other points can be husband's goal was to give more than he paid in taxes...some years we made it and mothers we didn't...but it was a worthy goal of his...
Now that we, as a family, are making more of the decisions of giving without his input, it has been a team is exciting to see all the variety of giving in our children and grandchildren, simply because we know different groups of people and their needs...

But, giving is good for the heart is saying thank you to the provider, listening to His guidance, seeing needs, giving joy through provision...seeing the stories of the gift and how it effect lives...not matter the amount...being a tool whether in giving, evangelism, encouragement, or in any thing or way that God directs...being engaged in the Good News...

Thank YOU...for the gifts You me to use them for your glory...

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