Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Insecurities ....

One of my challenges that I faced when becoming a widow was taking over my husband's business...

Not only did I resent it, I felt that it wasn't "my" job..why would he die and leave me with this "burden"?   Even though we had done everything we could do to cushion this change, in my grief, it was a huge mountain to climb...and I resented every step...

I wanted a different path, "my" preconceived and planned path...I wanted normalcy, my normalcy...
I cried, I fumed, I argued, I relented finally seeing that was indeed God's plan even though I didn't understand it...

I was reminded of this battle and, indeed, it was a battle, when I watched this short video by Jennifer Rothschild about insecurities. Plus, in my reading of the Word, I was reading 2 Corinthians 10:12-18, "comparing and working" and the question asked was "if you are jealous over someone else's calling or assignment, confess that struggle to the Lord..." (Kelly Minter). (God likes us to learn our lessons and may even remind us of them again).

I have been blessed with so much and I was resenting that gift...He had prepared a way for me and my family to carry on even though it was a path different than we "pictured"...

Now, I look back at those times of battle, even though I would have done it differently, and am blessed that God saw me through it. He took my tears, my railings and arguments, and turned them into good...He has grown us, expanded us to new horizons...giving peace in turmoil...new knowledge, strength in hardship...loved us...on to new paths...thank YOU...

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


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