Thursday, April 13, 2017

Shorz camp....

Shorz  camp...

39 year ago, my husband was putting together a large geology camp in northeastern NV. The goal was to map the chosen area and hopefully discover barite for the oil drilling industry which was going great guns at the was a successful summer for geology as well as for friendships ...

He hired geologists for many places that summer, college students, college professors, college graduates, seminary graduates, cooks, surveyors...
We had the opportunity to live in camp trailers and tents around an old homestead. We had washing facilities, showers, running water, generators, porta potties....

All in all it was an amazing summer, life long friendships were formed, others were solidified...many still keep in touch after all those grown children remember the forts, the rambles we took...the fishing holes we tried, the picnics and the fireworks we shot off...the leisurely Sunday's with our own live-in pastor...

People from that time have retired, raised amazing families, some have passed on, had grandchildren, time has passed so quickly ...

It was also a time of healing and comfort of our friends arrived with a new baby...the same as we...only this one had more special was worn out and kind of in "shell shock" mode...this special little girl screamed many nights until the formula was finally found to sooth her little tummy, she reacted to outside stimuli differently than her close siblings...we would take "walkabouts " during the days to lull her to sleep...talking to her quietly...

During the following year, this family took a sabbatical from college professorship to stay with us to help finish the large geology project...miracle after miracle occurred to help with their precious little girl finding specialized care to help her develop her fullest potential at that age and set into motion care for the future...the family drew closer, became champions for special needs, more empathetic, more loving...and overall, an example for those with whom they worked with down through the years as this tiny little girl became a young hard as it was at times, they reflected the God  they served faithfully with the fruit of the spirit shining brightly...

The mother would have celebrated her birthday recently, but cancer took her home...leaving behind her wonderful children, husband and grandchildren...
I miss picking up the phone and continuing our conversations which we had..or our husbands talking geology  from one side of the country to the other...hearing about children, grandchildren...they each have special with so many others in my heart...

Thank YOU for so many friendships over the years...each is a blessing in different  times, different seasons of life, different needs...You provide at just the right moments...

1 Samuel 20:42 Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.

Proverbs 18:24b .....but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

1 John 4:11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

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