Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Farewell Tour..."

"Farewell tour"....

This weekend I have attended the "farewell Tour" of the Women of Faith, 20 years in the looks like new tours are planned but with new vision, new speakers, younger speakers...but the original group is "retiring". Over the twenty years, they have shared their stories, their lives, their ups and their downs, their heartaches, their joys, their songs, their laments...their vision for women around world to be free in Christ, to be Christ Seekers, to be faithful, to be mothers of Faith, grandmothers of love , women who face each day knowing that God is with/in/everywhere...

They set the vision that we are loved, encouraged, precious , a delight and so many descriptions of  how God views us...found in scripture...

They made us laugh, cry, sing, listen, pray, contemplate, examine and helped us grow in areas we may have wanted or not...they brought God to us in relevant ways, made us acknowledge our need of a very personal God...

They have passed the torch to younger women who will bring similar experiences and words to a younger generation which is exactly what we older women are do...generation to generation...

They have aged graciously, ever funny and serious, and they still speak with vigor and assurance of the God whom they serve ...their countenance softened with years of laughter and service...words spoken with surety, power and love for the thousands in attendance and the millions who have attended ....humor abounding amidst the serious words from the heart, softly proclaimed or powerful proclamations of belief...

Thank YOU God for raising these women up...for these times....and for placing on their hearts the words you want us to hear ....thank YOU for raising up a new generation to carry your flame forward...Praise Your Name above You be the Glory....

Exodus 9:16 But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. 

Psalm 35:28 My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long. 

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