Friday, December 18, 2015

Cedar doors and glass knobs...

Glass knobs and cedar....

Every Time I visit one of my daughters, I walk into sensory memories...they live in a very updated 1940's home...but there is still some of the 1940's ambiance in the home...there are the clear glass knobs on doors and drawers...and still the 1940's cedar doors through out the home...

Those two things, the glass knobs and cedar doors take me back to my grandparents home...they had built a new home in the 1940' was called the "new house" all of my growing up years. My father was a teenager when they built and moved  into was maintained well..and still is in the was to this home that my father moved  after my mother passed away 70+ years later...he remarried my widowed aunt who lives in the "new house"....

But the smell of cedar and the look of the doors and knobs bring back so many memories ...little stone fireplaces, manzanita Christmas trees, ribbon candy, "new" whipped cream in a can, canned hams, treadle sewing machines, Christmas villages on the piano, walnuts and oranges in our Christmas stockings, hot summer days, turtles in the creek, feeding cattle off the back of a truck, riding horses with my grandfather, the noisy cattle guard, my grandparents love and laughter, family gatherings..

Now, here I am so many years later..and those memories are so distant, but they could have happened yesterday...the years have flown by and generations are grown up and have their memories of the "new" house...I hope they will each stop and take time to smell the cedar and feel the smoothness of the glass knobs...all the while making new memories for themselves...

Thank YOU for filling my mind with wonderful memories...that overshadow the not so wonderful ones...thank YOU for the sensory gifts you give us that are tied with us to put the bad memories behind us and move forward with new ones....

Psalm 111:2-4 Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. 

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