Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cold birds...angry birds...

Cold birds.....versus angry birds.....

It is 7 degrees as I write this....cold, cold,cold...it may get to freezing today...

I have been putting out bird feed each day and watching the  birds flock toward the feeders and the seed on the ground...some are totally polite about eating, while others  butt in and fend off any competition  as they fiendishly devour  the food..
Some of the birds, sit on the fence or in a nearby tree waiting their turn..and then they rotate in and out of the feeders..so polite, puffed up feathers like little bowling balls...or the quail trailing one another to the ground food, rarely flying, puffed up as well, always having a watch bird guarding their little group, ready to sound the "alarm", for immediate departure...
The quail also hop up and down reaching for seeds on the weeds sticking out of the  snow, pulling down the small branches to scatter the seeds on the icy ground...
 It so reminds me of the old song sung by Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins...

tuppence mary poppins, you tube....

Being at a ranch, the Hawks here dive for rodents, which is impressive to watch on a snowy day...

In the Bible, God says he cares for even the birds, supplying their food day after day...He created them and cares for their needs as well as ours ....
We can politely wait our turn or push forward, demanding our "rights" wanting more and more...

Thank YOU for the means to be able to help feed the birds in this cold time...being reminded that You care for us...help me to take my turn in life politely, not pushing away others from Your care....


Matthew 6:26-27 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 

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