Friday, August 25, 2023



Yesterday as we took off from Salt Lake City we were going through layers snd layers of clouds, some thin, some heavy, some fluff

Finishing Acts…it was interesting to see all the various people he interacted with…layers of society….

Native people/islanders

The chief with an estate…

Ill father..,

Sick, needing healing…

Sisters snd brothers….

Soldiers …


Jewish leaders..,convinced, or rejectors of the Word…


And the rest of the book list all kinds of people with which he spoke to, worked with, journeyed with…all kind of layers of society…from kings to tent makers, from islanders to the rich, from the sick to the dye sellers...he welcomed all….they were and are part of the plan…

God desires that none should perish…are we welcoming?  Bold?..

Offering the Word without hindering ….rules ….add -ons…

Thank YOU…

 For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!


 Come, come as you are..

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