Saturday, August 5, 2023

Getting together…

 Getting together…

As I said previously, our family is getting together this weekend…it has been more than nine years since this happened, so it has been a big, especially for me…

Since the last time we got together, every family has moved at least once…
We have added 5 by birth, 2 by marriage..there have been high school graduations, kindergarten graduations, Eagle Scout ceremonies, various sports tried, teen years entered and finished, new readers, world travels, missions accomplished, one retirement, colleges entered, houses built, medical situations, house flooding, a multitude of pets loved and lost….many, many miles travelled, either to school, trips, work…many books read, many prayers said…

We may differ politically, life styles, personalities..but, we are still family…

We have lived and loved….and God has been with us each and every day, through feast or famine…

One of the things we have shared is missions…we have been involved with them our whole lifetimes…so we went on a tour of Mission Aviation Fellowship for one of our excursions…viewing the portion of Nate Saint’s plane to hearing stories from a retired pilot…to wandering through planes, parts of planes, to a finale of flying in one…(it happened to be one  9 year old’s birthday, “best birthday ever”)…

It is so fun to pass this experience down, now, to a third generation …passing the baton, the torch, the vision …the responsibility, stewardship of the blessings God has bestowed…

I am in Acts with Paul…standing before the people, the rulers giving testimony to many…the people, the Sanhedrin, the rulers, even the soldiers…over and over again..he has travelled many, many miles, gone through a multitude of good and bad experiences…but his words are sure, he is training others in the Way…he has discipled many, encouraged many, admonished many, written much, handing off the torch…giving vision to others…

 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.

Or Joshua’s words to the next generation…in Joshua 24, “choose whom you will serve…”

Thank YOU….

I am so glad…

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