Thursday, August 17, 2023



Both sets of my grandparents had attics like this…with one set, it was a special occasion to go up there…, but it seemed like every big family event, someone had to go up for something…it didn’t get cleaned out until long after they passed away and the house was to be sold…

The other set’s attic was like Little Women…we grandchildren played and played up there until it was remodeled…then it was never quite the same…all the fun stuff was sorted and gone…

New houses don’t seem to have the ancestral attics anymore…we have garages too filled with bins and boxes, no character… no dress up clothes…or places to share with our grandchildren…our pictures are hidden on our phones instead of books to peruse…National Geographic books don’t pile gathering dust…antique toys have been boxed or sold  at garage sales…

How much are we  sharing with  the next generations? My grand father and my dad told stories of their exploits growing up.   They would laugh or cry at their times reminisced…but we would ask for more and more…

“Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask your father and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you… Deut. 32:7

I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever…Psalm 45:17

Thank YOU…

Amazing Grace…bagpipes and singer

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