Sunday, August 27, 2023


A son and brother…..

 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,because they trust in you. 

Trust in the Lord forever,for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.


 As I read this verse for today, I was also reading the short book of Philemon…

His slave, Onesimus, had run away from his master in Colosse…I wonder, was he running away from God as many do, only to meet another who points him back to God…was Philemon praying for his salvation…

I know so many whose testimony is one of running, running to and fro trying to get away from that conviction from God in our souls…only to be met again and again with another who points them to God and His eternal salvation…finally to surrender to that perfect peace…

The prodigal son comes to mind as well…did Philemon yearn for Onesimus as the father did?  As God does for those wandering in the world…

Onesimus is sent back to his master, as a brother in Christ, his temporal debt paid by Paul…whose eternal debt was paid by Jesus on the Cross…as Paul also had to face those he had wronged…

What a picture, again, of redemption, forgiveness, welcome…

I had to question myself…am I as forgiving…am I as welcoming…am I as mentoring…

Thank YOU….


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