Thursday, October 18, 2018

Two paths...

Two paths...

I am doing a study of David Jeremiah's, "The God You May Not Know"...

Today's portion included the verses in Matthew about the wide and narrow gates in relationship to his topic, " God's Goodness is seen in the path He chooses for us".

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

I don't know about others, but sometimes I blow through portions of scripture without sitting down and really taking them in...I know what they say...but I haven't meditated on them...or maybe another portion has spoken deeply that day/time and that is where I light...

Today it is this portion...
Two gates-wide and small
Two roads-broad and narrow
Two groups of people-large group, a few
Two destinations-destruction and life...

Choices we each get to chose from...paths we can we join the crowd? Or walk with the few? Do we weigh the end results? Do we want the easy or difficult?
Do we try to please men or God? Do we rely on God's guidance or our own merry way ? What do we really want to find, comfortable or eternal?
Dailey, we have the opportunity to make choices...easier sounds better a lot of the time...but, it may not be prudent ...or right...what does my mind dwell on ? Where do my thoughts wander? What passes my sight? What channel do I choose? What books? What places do I go?

In my heart of hearts, I want the path that God chooses for me...blessings abound there, His presence goes there, He holds my hand, He gives life...thank YOU...

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