Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"...to whom shall we go...?

"To whom shall we go..."....

It's beginning to be the season of a mailbox full of requests for funds/donations for a multitude of humanitarian, political, religious organizations...
You can fill a bag with food for the postman to give to the food banks...soon the red bucket will appear at merchants' doors...the scouts will pick up your Christmas tree or deliver one...the ads for saving the elephants or rhinos have appeared...or a "go fund me" email will catch one's eye...the list goes on and on...a need for wisdom in choosing the right place to spend those extra dollars and cents...which catches our hearts...

Early this morning I watched a video about a former witch doctor proclaiming  Jesus to his village...people were dying without hearing the Word...his own family were headed in the same direction without hope...he was sharing his heart and people were hearing the gospel, the very words of God...they were finding what Peter and others had found over the years...

And then in the Book of John, Peter answers Jesus ...
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
John 6:68-69

So how do those soliciting letters and Peter connect?
To me personally, I have to weigh, pray and decide how or who best represents the Word...as another so aptly said, "more bang for your buck "...
Yes, there are local needs that are important, needy families, local charities or church related giving ...all in need of funds or even volunteers...

What clenches your heart? What touches your soul? What bring tears to your eyes? What is God calling you/me to do? Is it groceries for the family down the street given in Jesus' name...the Word translated into another mother tongue...a goat or rabbit given to help a family farm...kits for soldiers ...toys for tots...a welcome packet for a foreign exchange student ...a shoe box of toys to be sent all over the world...a loaf of pumpkin bread for a new neighbor...a hug to a grieving soul...a pencil and notebook for a student...time for a grandchild...a smile to a passerby...we all have something to give...to show Jesus...and maybe even share the one to whom we can go...

Thank YOU that you indeed have the words of eternal life, the Holy One of God...

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