Monday, October 15, 2018

Reading through the Gospels...

Reading through the Gospels...

While reading through the gospels, I keep underlining all that Jesus did..
From Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9...

- he had compassion on them and healed their sick
- He gave thanks and broke the loaves
- He went up on the mountainside to pray
- He went out to them( the disciples)
- He walked on the water
- He reached out his hand to Peter
- He healed the sick
- He spoke
- He taught
- He received, welcomed
- He satisfied
- He questioned
- He was transfigured
- He proclaimed
- He rebuked the evil spirit
- He foretold
- He prepared
- He explained
- He sent out
What a list...I get tired looking at all He did...knowing that he was a man, it must have been tiring for him as well..but he drew from the strength that He said we can draw from as well... His time was short and he used it to the fullest...

I go about my daily duties, sometimes lengthy, sometimes short...but never as full as His were...nor do I have to power to do the things he did...he had the heavenly power that is  beyond measure...omnipotent....all powerful...

But, his goodness shows through as well...his patience...with his disciples and the multitudes surrounding him wherever he went ...those mountaintop prayer sessions must have been so rejuvenating...the solitude, even for a small time...

Thank YOU that you walked among the people...your saving grace, your care and compassion...your spoken word...your thanksgiving...

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