Monday, January 16, 2017

A little clay and a few bricks...

A little clay and a few bricks...

I have some friends who helped in the aftermath of the Haiti destruction...they designed, built  "rocket stoves" as well as taught others how to build them...the stoves can be built out of almost nothing and anything...tin cans, barrels, clay, rocks, a few bricks, broken cement chunks...getting the draw of air on a few burning sticks and you have an efficient cooking stove... (, one place to find info or Haiti rocket stove).

(My husband saw his first "rocket stove" in the gers of Mongolia although they don't call them by that name, they are basically the same...he would tell of the grandma rising first and early, banging the stove, which sat in the middle of the ger, emptying and stirring the ashes, starting a new fire for cooking, the morning ritual. Their stoves were metal)

Anyway, if you read these friends' newsletters, watched their shared videos and listened to their reports of going to Haiti, you could probably build your own "rocket stove".

Fast forward to this week, another mutual friend is in Africa speaking to a women's conference.  While teaching an overview of the Bible, they asked her if she would "share a craft"...surrounded by plastic chairs, dirt, Michaels or Hobby Lobby in sight for thousands of miles...she proceeds to construct a rocket stove from found bricks and clay...finishing with starting a fire to cook...

Isaiah 26:3-4 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

Building the stove...sharing the Word...building into lives...doing whatever we are called to do....God directs, brings to mind those "little" things we may have glossed over..nothing in our lives is wasted in our growth or those around us to listen for Your direction...molded by your loving hands matter where we find ourselves...

Thank YOU...

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