Friday, September 18, 2015


I purchased this stone from a local store a couple of years ago.  With wind, snow, rain, ice, it has deteriorated  to this cracked stone which is slowly breaking  apart and will eventually have to be thrown away...the dove in the middle is barely discernible and the word, "believe" is fading as well..

Not a really good stone to show a strong belief..., man-made plaster from a mold...manmade.....

There are events and times in life that look like this stone ....cracked belefs...falling apart...deteriorating ....thrown away ....or wrong beliefs....when times are tough, or maybe times are great and flourishing....or not enough time for basics...

Many events can draw us away from our core values...and break up our believing...manmade decisions, circumstances, a multitude too many to even mention...

There comes a time when we have to decide what is our basic, bottom line beliefs...who is our whom or in what do we believe...what foundation do we want to hold us up...
not a broken,  manmade plaster of Paris mold....
But, real, solid, firm foundation that does not fall apart with the forces of nature or world circumstances...
Who is our rock? Who is our core?

God has given us free will to choose ....but he desires that all would come to Him for their foundation...their rock..their cornerstone...He alone doesn't break , fall apart...

Thank YOU for your solidness, your firmness...Your care...

1 Samuel 2:2 “There is no one holy like the Lord;there is no one besides you;there is no Rock like our God.

Deuteronomy 32:4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect ,and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

2 Samuel 22:3a   my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield and the horn of my salvation.He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior—....

Psalm 18:46 The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!Exalted be God my Savior!

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