Wednesday, April 5, 2023

He arose…

 He arose….

There are hard things about living in a health and rehab center…

You know many of these people will die here…Loneliness…depression… anger… lost or forgotten lives…no matter how upbeat and attentive the staff is…aging is hard…

Hard ones for me to watch are the couples, one admitted, the other at home…some look like they both should be here, but not…those faithful spouses who daily journey to care for their loved ones, some knowing while others not…commitment…

There are those whose countenance is a perpetual smile though…whether in total silence they smile or those who fumble,mumble their incoherent words, they still bring sunshine to those around them…”I am going down to eat because they like my smiling face…” one says as they wheel their way to the meal room…saying hello to each person they meet…a joy…

I have often said, I haven’t seen an “aging  101” book…and I am not sure I would like to read it either…

as an adult,I have seen both sets of my grandparents age and pass away, aunts and uncles, my parents, friends, my parents-in-law as well as my husband …some wanted total quiet, others a song and or a book…but none were an easy process…

The memories of their full, active lives can be seen in picture albums that will eventually be stored in boxes in attics somewhere…opened by some future generation to view and comment on…maybe even some diaries, prayer journals, and a book or two to read and ponder…even some digital recordings of voices long lost…probably no movies made of their life’s adventures, but lives well lived…and very much loved…

 “Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days;let me know how fleeting my life is. 

You have made my days a mere handbreadth;the span of my years is as nothing before you.

Everyone is but a breath,even those who seem secure.


 Lord, what are human beings that you care for them,mere mortals that you think of them? 

They are like a breath;their days are like a fleeting shadow.


I think through this Easter season, the true meaning of death and resurrection reigns down the ages….

We have Christ who came to seek and save the lost…who took upon himself the sins of the world, died and rose again…that those who believed in him, might have eternal life…in a place much more beautiful than we can imagine…prepared by him over time…

Those promises made to everyone make life here a bit more bearable…some I have met here will be there…friends and family will be there as well…

Thank YOU….

He arose..

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