Sunday, December 29, 2019

That’s Jesus....

That’s Jesus....

February, 2012, my journal is marked with a song that woke me in the early hours...”this is Jesus “...we were three months into a five month journey of brain cancer...everyday was different...a new challenge, a new health change, a new “everything” it seemed...”my “ strength was not my own, but Jesus’...I journaled as I could before each day began...trying to to keep my head above water...
Matthew 21:11 says “this is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”... tune...

“This is Jesus, Counselor, the Righteous one, the Living Word...
This is Jesus, the Son of man, the Son of God, Emmanuel...
This is Jesus, Redeemer, the compassionate One, the Lord of all...
This is Jesus, teacher, faithful, gentle, true...
This is Jesus, the Lamb of God, Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace...
This is Jesus, prayerful One, Alpha, Omega, this is Jesus...
Refuge, Fortress, Strength, Shield, this is Jesus...
Beloved, Messiah, healer and friend...the Light, the Vine, the Bread of Life...this is Jesus...”

I awoke this morning with that same song...then heard this following song in my head as well...don’t remember hearing it before, but must Randy Travis..” That’s Jesus”

A good way to start the day....thank YOU

When I wake up in the morning, put my feet on the floor
I thank Him for the day that He gave me one more
I give Him all the praise, the one that I adore
That's Jesus, oh that's Jesus I was lost and alone, my heart in need of help
I found enternal life and lost my fear of death
Because I know the author of my every breath
That's Jesus, oh that's Jesus God  of glory, majesty
The Holy One who died for me
Who's the One I long to see
That's Jesus, oh that's Jesus

If you're a soul that's lost and in need of direction
You wonder when you die if you'll go to Heaven
Well friend I found the answer to that very question
That's Jesus, oh that's Jesus.

God of glory, majesty
The Holy One who died for me
Who's the One I long to see
That's Jesus, oh that's Jesus, that’s Jesus, oh that’s Jesus...

For the Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for he does not afflict from his heart or grieve the children of men.
Lamentations 3:31-33 

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