Sunday, December 8, 2019

Mary’s Joseph....and others...

Joseph, Mary’s husband...

Getting ready for Christmas again, I was  again reading about Joseph, Mary’s betrothed...this article came across cyberspace.

But, it made me think of the other two Josephs, the prominent one in the Old Testament as well as the one mentioned as Joseph of Arimathea in the New Testament...

They all exhibited the traits mentioned in the article about Mary’s betrothed ...
  1. Kindness under pressure...
  2. Courage...
  3. Guidance ...
  4. Obedience...

Reading, comparing all three is interesting...
The name, Joseph, carries the meaning of, “ he will add” or “Jehovah increases”. This certainly fits all three in their lives..

Thank YOU for the examples You supply in Your Word of godly men...
That Mary’s Joseph was willing to father our his obedience...
Joseph of the Old Testament saved a nation...remained true through trying circumstances...
Joseph of Arimathea stood by his belief courageously caring Christ in his burial...fulfilling prophecy...a follower, a disciple ....

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