Sunday, January 13, 2019

Treasured ....


But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. ...
Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.
Luke 2:19,51

I have treasured memories of each of my children at different times of their lives...things I am thankful, memories of fun things, not so fun events, special times, blessings of each...

Now I am treasuring times with grandchildren...seeing their growth through the years, their maturing into young adults ...what treasures...what gifts they all are...

Lately I found out something of one that I really didn't remember, but will from now on... A food dislike that I was not aware of...I feel bad that I wasn't aware of this sooner...oh well,  I am getting older, blame it on an aged brain...

I look at Mary going through a special motherhood of the Messiah...a special conception, proclamations from a cousin, a special birth, special proclamations, Angels, worshipping shepherds and wisemen, nightly travels, talking to the teachers in the temple, an obedient child...lots to ponder and treasure up...watching this special person move through childhood into adulthood...

I am sure she watched this person with awe and we parents do...but, even more so with the prophecies spoken about Him...we regular parents don't know what our children will grow to become, we just watch the unfolding of the plan which only God knows...we don't know how ours will effect the world as foretold about Jesus...He indeed was treasured since the beginning in Genesis...

Thank YOU for the treasure in Jesus...hold them close to my heart, help me think in these treasures in my life yesterday, today and tomorrow ...His Word, His life...His gift...

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