Wednesday, January 9, 2019



I was reading Matthew 7 this morning, then I opened my email and found this article starring me in the face ...great questions for the new year...

Lately, we as a family, have been dealing with a lot of questions as well...where are we going...what is our do we get along as a family or business...what do various documents say that we signed in the throes of a dying head of household and business ...we are almost seven years out from many, many decisions which were made under a lot of pressure with trusted advisers...and we are finding that we have different interests, goals, lifestyles that need to be addressed and dealt we move forward has profound implications on our family and generations to come...

Matthew 7 has contrasts...which can lead to life questions

Judge versus not judge
Speck versus plank
Ask, seek, knock versus not asking, not seeking, not knocking
Good gifts versus bad gifts
Wide gates versus narrow gates
Good fruit versus bad fruit
Doing the will of God versus not doing the will of God
Wise versus foolish builders
Sand versus rock foundations
Jesus teachings versus the teachers of the law....

How we answer each has profound implications on our lives, eternity ....where do we stand? What do we believe ???

Thank YOU that you add me to follow the right path into your will...

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