Friday, July 6, 2018



The question was, "who do you call when you feel helpless?".

Someone recently told me, " you are a mom to so many"....I am the "ventee", listening to other's problems, lives, ....then I came upon this scripture this morning...of course no accident in timing...when I just want to fix everybody and help them...I can't do it all!!! Only God has the power to help....

Buzz words like independent, self sufficiency, on your own, stand alone, willful, I can do it myself....are great, but bottom line is we can't even breathe without the divine help of God...he knows the timing, the situation and the lessons to be learned....He holds the real power to help...and I need to remember that in my "fix it mode".... Thank YOU...

The Lord had seen how bitterly everyone in Israel, whether slave or free, was suffering; there was no one to help them.
2 Kings 14:26

Even if you go and fight courageously in battle, God will overthrow you before the enemy, for God has the power to help or to overthrow.”
2 Chronicles 25:8

Lyrics to older song-"Where could I go but to the Lord

Living below, in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford
Striving alone, to face temptation's sword
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, oh where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend, to help me in the end
Where could I go, but to the Lord?

Neighbors are kind, I love them everyone
We get along in sweet accord
But when my soul, needs manner from above
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, oh where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend, to help me in the end
Where could I go, but to the Lord?

Life here is grand, with friends I love so dear
Comfort I get from God's own word
Yet when I face this chilling hand of death
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, oh where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend, to help me in the end
Where could I go, but to the Lord?"

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