Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Family photos....

Family photos......

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to take pictures...while traveling, a camera is just part of my wardrobe... Whether any of the photos are good or not that is open for debate...but I love to take pictures...I love the scenes, the textures, the ambiance, the colors, the detail, the wonder, the intricacies, the emotions that I can sometimes capture in pictures...

I enjoy others taking pictures as well, seeing what they see in their photos....watching a professional take pictures, gathering ideas for future personal photos is fun as well...

The other day some of us went to the beach to capture the early morning light with a photographer. She posed us in a multitude of the water, in the sand, in the trees, in the
Last night we got the view these works of art on the movie screen and pick the ones that will fill frames/canvases, Christmas cards, Facebook, etc....

As fun as it is, reality sets in at odd moments...there is a missing spot, a missing person whose smile and presence isn't there anymore...but whose gesture, smile, feature is caught in fleeting moments in his children and grandchildren...or when I am posed by myself or with family without him...or when I am watching the photos flip by and I can't turn to him and comment or laugh about the scene...the shared history...the shared times...

But, we move forward....making new memories, new photos....growing into the future, enjoying the present...exploring new adventures...

Thank YOU for those family photos....We have so many from the past and now we are creating new ones....thank YOU for the events in out lives that are picture worthy...

Ecclesiastics 3:1, 2a, 4
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven ...
A time to be born and a time to die....a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance...

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