Saturday, May 28, 2016



Yesterday, one of my daughters was describing watching a new hatching of baby ducks scrambling out of their creek side hiding place to follow their mother into the creek for the first time...all in a row, one by one they each traversed the creek to the other side, "testing the waters", learning their life skill of swimming, doing what ducks do...

At the same time, I was walking along our river looking for birds...I found this swallow, who looks black and white while flying, but in the right sunlight turns a beautiful blue...wonder ...

My daughter didn't take time to get pictures, she and her husband just took time to watch the process which has been going on since creation... To stand in wonder of one of God's infinite ducklings learning to swim...

This morning as I read the chapter entitled, "cormorants and kittiwakes", in the book, "ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning, I was reminded again of watching for God's all things, in creation, in the grace He gave to my life, in the Infinite Live He has bestowed on each of us...

We have the opportunity to watch wonders unfold everyday if we just take time...asking Him to show us the wonder baby ducks, an apple tree in bloom, a lilac bush scent, a child at play, a smile....simple things which lead to the complexity of does a bird fly,  an apple blossom turn into a fruit, the earth rotate, the sun give us heat....not only that but, why did God choose me in His grace? Am I a wonder, a delight? Does he watch me, or more, do I watch Him? Finding His wonder ??? It is too much to comprehend with my finite mind...

Thank YOU for the ducklings, the Wonder of me not lose sight of  my Wonder of You, the awesomeness of Your gift, Your Son..... 

Psalm 145:3-7 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another;they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of your awesome works—and I will proclaim your great deeds. They celebrate your abundant goodnessand joyfully sing of your righteousness. 

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