Monday, May 23, 2016

Taken for granted...

Taken for granted...

I have been traveling again, this time to my aunt's memorial service... But since she wasn't there, it was more to see family in that particular area...

 I awake one of the mornings, thinking how much i take for granted so many things; running water, cold and hot food, rooms, people, my car working well, my family, my iPad, iPhone, camera, health, driving home safely, seasons, the breaths that I take , the clean air I will all be there for me...I have taken them all for granted so much...

I realized I take God for granted as well.  I know that He is all powerful, all knowing, all present, ALL...but, I take for granted that He will do things my way... . And He doesn't ...He delights to gift us, provide for us, but it may be different than I "expect".  Even though I realize that we don't live forever, I still take that for parents were always there, my aunt will always be there, my husband will always be there...but, no, they won't and aren't...I took that so much for granted...

It all reminds me again to be thankful for all things, in all ways...not to assume everything will be just there...thank YOU for your provision, your care...that I would have a thankful  attitude at all times for the big and little of life, things that I take for granted....

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 

Psalm 31:19, 24 How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you. 
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. 

""Taken for granted" is from the English idiom "take for granted." As an idiom, the meaning of the whole phrase isn't based on the literal meanings of the words.

There are four possible usage versions of this idiom with closely connected yet different meanings. This can be quite difficult to distinguish even by native English speakers.

In the 1st sense, "take for granted" at the simplest level means to consider as true or real (in the sense of to anticipate correctly). In short, to accept something as true without testing or questioning it. This usage dates from around 1600.

I took it for granted that they would pay for their share, but I was wrong.

In the 2nd sense, "take [someone, something] for granted" means to underestimate the value of that person or thing. In other words, to expect someone or something to be always available (such as to serve us without us needing to give recognition or thanks). In short, to give little or no value to that person or thing because we think we automatically deserve it.

The editors felt that the publisher was taking them for granted.
I wish you didn't take me for granted.
I guess that I take a lot of things for granted.

In the 3rd sense, "take [somebody] for granted" means to not show that you are grateful when someone helps you or have been with you (especially in difficult times). In short, you fail to appreciate someone.

One of the problems with relationships is that, after a while, you begin to take each other for granted.

When your own children are growing up, you tend to take them for granted, and then, suddenly, they are grown up.

Politicians seem to take voters for granted, except when they face a serious challenge.

In the 4th sense, "take [something] for granted" means to expect something to be always available and forget that we are lucky to have it:

We take so many things for granted in this country -- like having hot water whenever we need it." By Robert Charles Lee, Yahoo...

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